четверг, 29 января 2009 г.

А вот такие очки не хотите ли?

Наверное, их можно использовать и как шлем. Хотя, сомневаюсь.

spanish designer rodrigo canedo of canedo studio has sent in images of his latest work 'gladi8r shades'. the helmet-like frame's weight is distributed through the whole surface of the head, this not only ensures that the shades will remain in its place during use but also reduces friction in the usual supporting areas, such as nose-bridge and ears. the frame comes in 3 different sizes and it is adjustable through a range of rubber attachments that brace the ribs of the frame.


‘poodle’ chairs, 2002 (wood, fake fur)

среда, 28 января 2009 г.


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Michael Jantzen’s M-House

Architect Michael Jantzen.
Chicago’s Wright auction house will be selling off the M-house on March 25 (2007). More of an experimental pavilion than a conventional house, the M-House features a shifting faade of folding panels, allowing you to open the structure up to the landscape, or close yourself off, as the mood (and weather) permits. The buyer will get the house in flat-pack style, so they can erect it wherever they want.


суббота, 24 января 2009 г.

Cameron Moll. Graphic designer


Такие "сферы" предлагается использовать в качестве временного жилья при стихийных бедствиях. Предполагается, что такая форма более психологически комфортна.

Emergency shelter during disaster that provides physical & psychological needs. The concept behind “sphere” not only considers taking shelter from extreme weather conditions but also reestablishing the feeling of security and companionship without losing ones privacy. The center of “sphere” is constructed as a social place, which consists of single families and inhabitants. These people constitute a community, a circle. This place offers the opportunity of once again getting in contact to others, cooking and simply getting together in a social way. In this way every “sphere” becomes a germ cell for a community working properly.

19 units of tents offer room for 3 persons at a time, however, partition walls can be unbuttoned in order to create bigger sections for families wards and the like. The inner tent, made of lighter nylon permeable to air, is independent from the outer part which consists of waterproof canvas. The stakes are made of fibre glass plastic and guarantee stability of the whole construction. The design as such is long-lasting and can be recycled if required.

Designer: Felix Stark
